Aims & Objectives
- Providing a high standard of day care for elderly people in a unique homely setting in Midlothian
- Making representations on behalf of elderly people
- Promoting training & development for those working with elderly people
- Utilising and enhancing relevant services to benefit our service users, staff, carers and volunteers

Social activities
The day centre offers a wide and varied programme of social activities encouraging service users to pursue new interests or resume interest that they have had in the past. All activities/trips are decided by our service users and these include:-
- Theatre Trips
- Gardening
- Dominoes
- Arts & Crafts
- Flower Arranging
- Musical Entertainment
- Catching up with friends
- Having fun
A charge is made to cover meals, snacks and ** Transport ** Transport is only provided for those residing in the transport catchment areas of Newtongrange, Easthouses, Mayfield, Gorebridge and Woodburn